A network of stakeholders from local governments across the Chesapeake Bay watershed created helpful resources to empower local decision making for restoration of our local waterways and the Chesapeake Bay. These first-of-their-kind local waterways modules were developed for local governments in the Chesapeake Bay watershed and offer high-level overviews of how watersheds work, the foundations of the Clean Water Act, how clean water impacts our economy, and much more. The Chesapeake Bay Program and partners have been able to develop more modules and a website for increased opportunities to educate and share this valuable information.
Protect Local Waterways is a one-stop-shop for case studies, videos, handouts, and presentations that can be used by a variety of audiences. The newest modules include issues pertaining to Hampton Roads, like how to address increased precipitation and flooding concerns. With eleven total modules, anyone can learn as much as they’d like on topics important to their community. Large-scale issues like environmental justice and climate concerns cut across all modules and are weaved intentionally throughout. These modules and their support materials are also customizable to encourage localities to inform their communities in a way that’s unique to them.
As the timeline for reaching water quality standards for the Chesapeake Bay moves beyond the initial 2025 target, more eyes are turning towards local governments to continue on the path towards recovery. Through a better understanding of how improvements in local water quality not only impact the Bay but also can impact a community as a whole, can be motivating. For example, planting more trees to make improvements in air quality, reductions in pollutants to waterways, and decreasing urban heat island effects can have a direct impact on reducing stress and crime rates in a community. The website also offers ideas for localities to consider, like the creation of workforce development programs to support the ever-growing green economy, investments in Scientific, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education for underserved communities, and building in resilience and flexibility into infrastructure plans.
Blog post contributed by KC Filippino, PhD, Senior Water Resources Planner with Hampton Roads Planning District Commission.