We recently learned that staff members from the Virginia Beach office of Brown and Caldwell, a water-environment engineering firm, had banded together to show their commitment to the health of local waterways by taking the Bay Star Homes pledge. The company’s water resources team is currently helping many cities and counties develop plans to implement a “pollution diet” for the Chesapeake Bay. The current conditions in the Bay are not healthy because of nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment pollution. Rain, which leads to stormwater runoff, causes these pollutants to get into local streams, creeks, rivers and the Bay itself. The pollution diet is a plan for keeping these pollutants out of the waterways and Bay Star Homes is one piece of that plan. Our cities and counties cannot cleanup the Bay on their own. They need the support of each citizen making small changes in their daily routines to get the job done. The Brown and Caldwell water resources team understands the importance of their daily decisions firsthand and were eager to make a commitment to Bay-friendly practices and awareness building in their neighborhoods.
Basically, they aren’t just talking the talk…they are walking the walk too.
Mira Micin, a water resources engineer with the company, learned about the askHRgreen.org Bay Star Homes program and encouraged her coworkers to take the pledge. As she says, “If we all pledge to do a little, it will add up to make a big difference in our watersheds.” Her efforts were also perfectly timed to help ramp up her coworkers’ excitement for Clean the Bay Day which was held last Saturday.
Your daily routines do have impacts on our local environment and small changes really do add up. We need your help to restore our defining coastal waterways! We hope the good work of Mira and the folks at Brown and Caldwell will encourage you and your coworkers to “walk the walk” and become Bay Star Homes today!

New Bay Star Homes program participants waving their flags to commemorate their commitment to the health of the Bay! From left to right: Scott Smith, Hee Jea Hall, Heather Benson, Mira Micin, Stephanie Hanses, Candice Sizemore, Clifton Bell