Put cigarette litter in it’s place with FREE cigarette waste receptacles (while supplies last)
Cigarette butts are the most frequently littered item in the United States and across the world. According to Keep America Beautiful, it represents 38 percent of roadway litter, 32 percent of litter in storm drains, and 32 percent of litter in outdoor recreation areas. Contrary to popular belief, the filters of cigarettes, often referred to as cigarette butts, are actually made with cellulose acetate, a form of plastic which does not quickly decompose in the environment. Cigarette butts also hold toxins, which can leach into the ground and waterways. Furthermore, cigarette butts can cause deadly gut obstructions in wildlife and breakdown into microplastics in our oceans. Most smokers don’t realize the big impacts of their casual littering behavior. This is why providing easy, convenient disposal options are key.

Nansemond Brewing Station receives their free cigarette receptacle!
Funded in part by a grant from Keep Virginia Beautiful, askHRgren.org is excited to announce the availability of free cigarette waste receptacles for Hampton Roads businesses. A part of the #NoButtsAboutIt campaign, the askHRgreen Cigarette Waste Receptacle Grant offers local businesses an opportunity to install a cigarette receptacle at no charge. Research has shown that properly placed cigarette receptacles can significantly reduce cigarette litter. It seems when given the opportunity, most smokers will make the right choice by placing their cigarette butts into a proper receptacle instead of flicking them into the environment. The convenient availability of receptacles is vital to cigarette litter prevention and askHRgreen.org is proud to partner with Keep Virginia Beautiful to offer this solution.
Hampton Roads business owners can apply online for a free cigarette waste receptacle (while supplies last) at www.askhrgreen.org/grants/cigarette-waste-receptacle-grant/. So far, over 60 receptacles have been distributed through this special grant program since spring 2021. Businesses are also encouraged to sign on to the askHRgreen.org Bay Star Business program, which recognizes local businesses that implement easy or no-cost practices to improve the health of local waterways. Working together we can transform our community into a cleaner, greener place to do business!