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Here’s where you’ll find everything you need to know about recycling and reducing the amount of waste you contribute to the landfill.
Water, water everywhere… And so much to know! Here’s where you can learn about the network of underground pipes that bring clean, affordable drinking water to our homes and carry off dirty water when we send it down the drain. You’ll also learn about local water quality and what you can do to protect our waterways.
When you keep your personal space clean, you help keep your community clean. Learn more about keeping your community clean including why pet owners need to scoop the poop, how to maintain your car and ways local businesses can reduce cigarette litter.
With a little know-how it’s quite easy to have a green home or business. In this section, you can get the inside scoop on heating and cooling efficiency, finding and fixing leaks, preventing clogged or frozen pipes plus a whole lot more.
There’s rich, fertile ground in this section! Here, you’ll discover how to protect our waterways from lawn fertilizer, green ways to tend your lawn and garden, the benefit of native plants, reducing stormwater runoff, and generally how to have a water-wise yard.
Whether you’re a student or a teacher, this is a great resource for classes, from recycling and fundraising ideas to grant opportunities and more. Explore all the ways you can learn how to make yours a cleaner, greener classroom in Hampton Roads.
Want info, advice or inspiration to help you achieve a higher level of “green living”? Choose the topic you want, or poke around, reading anything and everything that sounds interesting. We bet you’ll find tons of great ideas, words of wisdom and, well, answers. Where else but askHRgreen.org?
Want to know what’s going on? You’ve come to the perfect place. It’s all right here, Just choose your city/town, the topic that interests you or the activity that’s happening… Or choose to see everything. It’s all good to do!
From rack cards to radio spots, you’ll find everything you need here in the media center. Designed for sharing, these materials are especially useful for any organization with an interest in improving neighborhoods and communities. Simply download and distribute.
Media Toolkit
Press Room
Have you seen a recent TV spot? Heard a commercial on the radio? Are you looking for a marketing piece that’s part of a campaign that’s running right now? You can access our current or ongoing campaigns here and help us spread the word.
Interested in one (or two or three) of our programs or other organizations that help bring people together and encourage “green” efforts in our communities? We’ve gathered them here so you can join in the helping us make Hampton Roads a cleaner, greener place in which to live, work and play.
Did you know askHRgreen.org has grant opportunities? That’s right, get some green for your green projects. Students, educators, and community groups, we’re interested in helping you. Look at our available grants and submit your application today!
Not only is askHRgreen.org the URL of this website, it’s also the name of a Hampton Roads region-wide environmental program that was created to improve public awareness of the benefits of being “green.” It’s also a resource filled with information and inspiration. See for yourself.