Suffolk Recycling Drive
Florence Bowser Elementary School Nansemond Parkway, SuffolkRecycling Drives are held throughout the year, giving Suffolk citizens the opportunity to bring special items that can't be discarded through regular curbside pickup. Accepted items include: DISPOSAL OF UNSERVICEABLE OLD U.S. FLAGS FOOD AND TOILETRY DONATIONS EYE GLASSES AND HEARING AIDS DOCUMENT SHREDDING HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE Suffolk ID required. Click for full list of acceptable items. MATERIALS RECYCLED Batteries Plastic bottles (#1 & #2) Cardboard Computers Cordless tools Electronics Flat screen televisions** Small furniture Gently used clothing and shoes Glass Paper & magazines Cellphones Plastic bags Aluminum & tin cans **Must be 42 inches or less. TVs with tubes not accepted. Tube TVs can be placed out with your regular trash for collection by the Refuse department. For more information, please contact us by phone at (757) 514-7604 or email [email protected].